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Tag: acceptance and commitment

ACT: Committed Action

It’s usually way easier to think about doing things and making all these big changes in our lives than it is to actually make those changes. Why? Because humans are creatures of habit! We love consistency and predictability, and sometimes, most of our harmful thoughts can contribute to that consistency! Specifically, the way we handle…
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ACT: Values

If you’ve been keeping up with our blog posts up until now, you would know that values are one of the most integral parts of acceptance and commitment therapy. Arguably, it could be thought of as the end goal of ACT more generally, as the other core tenets of this type of therapy are ultimately…
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ACT: Self-As-Context

In acceptance and commitment therapy, one of its core tenets is self-as-context or the noticing self. Its dictionary definition is: “that transcendent aspect of a human being that does all the mindful noticing of one’s inner and outer world”. I know, this doesn’t help at all. As a concept, self-as-context is extremely meta and can…
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ACT: Defusion

Through the lens of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), the overarching problem isn’t with the painful thoughts and emotions that may occur in ourselves – we actually look at these thoughts with openness and curiosity! The main problem is when a person becomes so hooked to those feelings that they begin to control and limit…
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ACT: Acceptance

In previous blog posts, we’ve discussed ACT as a tool that guides us towards living the life we want to live, all the while accepting the emotions and thoughts we may be having, even if they’re negative. In this context, the aim is really to facilitate active acceptance of our experiences and feelings, which is…
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ACT: Contacting the Present Moment

Contrary to popular belief, mindfulness isn’t about meditating in a dark room with your eyes closed. Another common misconception is to be mindful, one needs to not think about anything! In fact, mindfulness is about being aware of the present moment, without judgement. It’s a set of skills that involves paying attention with a genuinely…
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What is “ACT”?

Initially created by Professor Steven C. Hayes and later developed by colleagues Kelly Wilson and Kirk Strosahl, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) has become widely popular for treating different mental health issues like addiction, depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many more. The reason why it has become so popular is because, in a time where humans…
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